
This is my gratitude journal, which was inspired by my friend Sherry and is about finding and sharing one blessing everyday.

April 26, 2019

I dug more of the hole yesterday and pulled out the mattock. I intermingled some baseball, basketball, and weeding. By the time I got inside I was exhausted. I dozed off after putting the kids down. I woke up about midnight to turn off some lights and guide my son...

April 24, 2019

I started digging a hole yesterday. I have thought about digging the hole for a while and finally started about 7:52 last night. It was mostly the edge of where I would like the hole to be, so I have some more digging to do. It is nice to finally...

April 23, 2019

Some days are rough ones. My son is getting less interested in going to school. It my be the huge amount of candy and toys his sister regularly gets after being suspended on Valentine's Day as a way to control her behavior. He hasn't made the connection that it was...

April 22, 2019

We came home for Ester Sunday after spending the weekend at my sister in law's farm. It was misty as we left, but by noon the sun had come out. I made it to a noon Mass at St. Joseph's Church in downtown Salem. It is a vibrant parish that...

April 7, 2019

The Gospel for Mass today is the story of the woman caught in adultery. A mob ready to stone her, a quick test of Jesus, some writing in the dirt on the ground, and "neither do I condemn you, now go live a sinless life." There is something about leaving...

March 21, 2019

Yesterday was my grandpa's 94th birthday. Born in the roaring 20's to parents who had longed for a child. Raised in the shadow of the Great Depression. Came of age during World War II, snuck into medical school for the Navy, married almost the day of his graduation, served active...

March 19, 2019

The weather has been wonderful the last week. Sunny, warm spring in the air. I am grateful for the rebirth and welcoming embrace of the world that is spring. When we can just be in the world. No need to bundle against the cold or beat the heat, just steady...

March 14, 2019

My wife's 39th birthday! It has been 10 years and four days since I started working at the job where we met. The ten years have been a wild ride. It is an interesting place we find ourselves. I am grateful we find it together. I am grateful for joy....

March 12, 2019

Days slip by one decision at a time. The struggle of trying to do what is best. I am grateful for getting to read with my kids. I am grateful for opportunities to challenge myself. I am grateful for dreaming and working to fulfill those dreams.

February 11, 2019

No photos yesterday. There was a little snow on the ground when we woke up. It had frozen into pellets and wasn't very good for doing much of anything with, but the boy needed some time to play in it, so we went out. The boy who lives across the...

February 10, 2019

It snowed again yesterday and it was my brother's birthday. We played in the snow, made a couple snow people. Then it was trying to finish things up. They got closer but hitting send is still a stumbling block. We still got finish my son's desk. But overall it was...

February 9, 2019

Sometimes early in the day becomes the end of the day. Happy 43rd Birthday to my brother. Yesterday felt like a preparation day. Getting ready for all kinds of days and not finishing any of them. It was emotionally exhausting trying to make everything compute in my head. So after...