No photos yesterday.

There was a little snow on the ground when we woke up. It had frozen into pellets and wasn’t very good for doing much of anything with, but the boy needed some time to play in it, so we went out.

The boy who lives across the street was also out to play in the snow, so he called over to us. He likes to play with the big kids as he is turning four in a few weeks, so he convinced his mom to come over to our side of the street, then we went to the forest at the end of the street.

I made a few snowballs that got thrown at me, found out the mom had a new job and lots of February birthdays in her family. We looked at another neighbors husky and talked about it being the local schools mascot.

They headed back to make breakfast, my son and I tossed some snow at each other. I poured rubbing alcohol on the windows to clear them off, we tramped around to the backyard and had mommy open the back door.

Then I went to Mass – a little late – and came home again.

My wife and I cut the top for the boy’s desk with a couple miscues. We didn’t quite finish it.

My wife made lasagna and penne while I did some dishes, she put a couple loads of laundry in the machine, I folded and put them away, we gave the kids baths.

It was a day. A normal sorta family day.

I grateful for good neighbors.

I am grateful for being Catholic.

I grateful for my wife indulging my silly idea for making our son’s desk.